As a wellness coach with over a decade in the industry, I've seen firsthand how deep healing therapy, including rejuvenate, pain relief, neuropathy relief, and meditation, can revolutionize personal health. The quest for effective, accessible solutions for pain relief, neuropathy relief, and to rejuvenate through meditation led me to explore the latest innovation in self-care: deep healing therapy at home. This groundbreaking approach promises not just temporary relief but lasting change, offering tools and techniques such as meditation and healing light that empower individuals to take charge of their wellness journey, rejuvenate, and accelerate the healing process from the comfort of their own space. In this review, I'll dive into how this therapy stands out, sharing insights from both research, including studies on the healing process and meditation, and personal trials involving healing light. You're about to discover a game-changer in health and wellness that could redefine what it means to heal and thrive on your own terms, enhancing the healing process, boosting energy day by day, and rejuvenating your body.

Key Takeaways

  • Deep healing therapy can be safely and efficiently conducted at home with devices that have FDA Class 2 Certification, ensuring they meet strict safety and effectiveness standards.

  • The combination of deep red and infrared light therapy offers a broad spectrum of benefits, including enhanced tissue and skin repair, reduced inflammation, and pain relief, making it suitable for a variety of health concerns related to cells and trauma.

  • Advanced medical grade LEDs in these devices ensure deep penetration of light, maximizing therapeutic outcomes for both humans and pets by helping cells regenerate energy and alleviate pain.

  • Pets can also benefit from deep healing therapy, with specific devices designed to address their unique physiological needs, promoting better health and wellness by targeting pain, energy, trauma, and cells.

  • The portable design of these therapy devices, coupled with a complete therapy package, allows for flexibility in treatment schedules and locations, enabling consistent use for optimal results in managing pain, trauma, energy levels, and cellular health.

  • When considering a purchase, it’s important to consult a buying guide to help choose a device that best fits your specific health needs, such as energy and pain management, lifestyle, and budget constraints, ensuring you get the most value from your investment and positively impact your cells.


Key Features

The NOVAA LIGHT PRO stands out for its ability to provide deep healing therapy for pain, trauma, and energy at the cellular level right in the comfort of your home. This product, backed by clinical studies and recommended by doctors, activates cell regeneration, reduces inflammation effectively, and alleviates pain by restoring energy to cells traumatized by trauma. It's not just a statement; it's a proven fact that this device can significantly improve your health, including pain and trauma recovery, with regular use.

What makes this device unique is its combination of deep red (630 + 660 NM) and infrared lights (850 NM). These specific wavelengths are based on NASA studies and have been clinically proven to penetrate deep into tissues, promoting healing from within and alleviating pain. Whether you're dealing with muscle pain, skin issues, or even deeper tissue problems, the NOVAA LIGHT PRO offers a non-invasive solution that works.

From my experience, using it for just 5 minutes a day has made a noticeable difference in my chronic back pain. It's easy to incorporate into daily routines, and the fact that it's portable means I can use it anywhere—truly a game-changer for someone always on the move.

However, it's important to note that while the device is powerful, results can vary depending on the individual's condition, such as pain, and consistency of use. Some may find immediate relief from pain, while others might need more time to see significant changes.

The affordability of NOVAA LIGHT PRO also deserves mention. Considering its professional-grade power and advanced medical grade LEDs, one might expect it to be priced higher. Yet, it remains accessible for those seeking at-home therapy options without breaking the bank.

Moreover, its light-weight design doesn't compromise on efficiency. The product comes with a complete light therapy package including rechargeable batteries and universal USB charger—ensuring you have everything you need to start your therapy sessions immediately.

FDA Class 2 Certification for Safety and Efficiency

Ensuring adherence to strict safety standards is not just a preference; it's a necessity, especially when it comes to devices we use for health and wellness. The FDA Class 2 Certification means that this deep healing therapy device meets rigorous safety protocols established by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This isn't just about ticking off a regulatory requirement; it's about providing users with a level of assurance that the product they're using in their homes has been thoroughly vetted for safety.

The guarantee of efficiency in light therapy performance is equally important. This certification implies that the device does more than just shine a light; it delivers therapeutic benefits backed by scientific research. In my experience, using a device that holds this certification has given me confidence in its potential health benefits, including improved skin health and reduced inflammation. It's one thing to read claims about effectiveness; it's another to know those claims are supported by an oversight authority like the FDA.

Having regulatory approval offers peace of mind that cannot be overstated. In today’s market, where countless products promise miraculous results without any substantiation, the FDA Class 2 Certification stands out as a beacon of reliability. For me, knowing that a product has passed such stringent tests makes it easier to trust not just its safety but also its claims of efficacy.

In various scenarios, whether you're seeking relief from chronic pain, looking to enhance your skin's appearance, or simply aiming for overall wellness, the importance of using a certified device becomes clear. Its suitability across different needs—be it for casual users exploring light therapy at home or individuals with specific health goals—highlights its versatility.

Combination of Deep Red and Infrared Light Therapy

Deep red and infrared light therapy targets various tissue depths, ensuring a thorough treatment. This approach is critical because different layers of skin and muscle require distinct wavelengths to heal effectively.

The product offers a dual wavelength strategy, combining 630 + 660 NM for surface level skin concerns and 850 NM for deeper tissue issues. This blend is not just innovative; it's a game-changer in how we approach at-home therapy. By harnessing these specific wavelengths, the device maximizes the healing potential for a wide range of conditions.

From my personal experience, the combination of deep red and infrared light has been instrumental in managing my chronic knee pain. Initially skeptical, I was amazed at how this targeted approach eased my discomfort after consistent use. It's important to note, however, that while the results have been significant for me, experiences may vary depending on individual conditions.

Research supports the effectiveness of these wavelengths in promoting cell regeneration and reducing inflammation. This scientific backing adds a layer of trust and credibility to the product's claims, making it a reliable option for those seeking alternative or complementary treatments.

Despite its many benefits, users should have realistic expectations. While the device offers impressive results in many cases, it is not a magic cure-all. Success depends on consistent usage and understanding that some conditions may respond better than others.

Advanced Medical Grade LEDs

Utilizing cutting-edge LED technology, the product stands out for its superior durability. This isn't just a claim; it's backed by comprehensive research and the latest advancements in light therapy technology. The LEDs used are not your average lights; they're designed to last longer and perform better, ensuring that the device remains a reliable part of your healing routine for years to come.

Delivering professional-grade power, these LEDs penetrate deep into tissues. This is crucial for anyone looking to achieve significant therapeutic results. From my own experience, the intensity of the light makes a noticeable difference in reducing inflammation and promoting healing from within. It's like having access to a professional therapy session at home.

The consistency of light output is another feature that cannot be overstated. Inconsistent light can lead to uneven results, which is frustrating when you're trying to address specific health issues. Thankfully, this device maintains a steady output, ensuring each therapy session is as effective as the last. Whether you're dealing with chronic pain or looking for post-exercise recovery, this consistency is key to achieving long-term benefits.

In various scenarios, from needing relief after a long day at work to addressing more chronic conditions like arthritis, the Advanced Medical Grade LEDs prove their worth by offering not just surface-level relief but deep tissue healing. This versatility makes it suitable for a wide range of needs.

Effectiveness for Pets

Safe and effective for reducing inflammation in dogs and pets, this deep healing therapy presents a non-invasive solution that supports auto-healing. It's not just humans who can benefit from advanced therapy techniques; our furry friends can too. In my experience, seeing my senior dog regain his mobility without the need for medication was both astounding and heartwarming.

Recommended by veterinarians for at-home pet care, this therapy underscores the importance of accessible health solutions not only for us but also for our pets. The convenience of providing such care in the comfort of our homes cannot be overstated. However, it's crucial to remember that while highly effective, this therapy doesn't replace professional veterinary care when it's needed.

The device is designed with safety in mind, ensuring that our pets are not exposed to any harm during their therapy sessions. This aspect was particularly important to me as I navigated the best care options for my pet dealing with chronic joint inflammation. The peace of mind knowing I'm using a vet-recommended product that safely aids in his recovery is invaluable.

Portable Design with Complete Therapy Package

The lightweight design of this therapy device is a game changer for those who need healing on the go. Its compact size means I can easily slip it into my bag, making it perfect for travel or just moving from room to room at home. The convenience of not being tethered to one spot for therapy sessions cannot be overstated.

Including rechargeable batteries and a universal USB charger adds another layer of flexibility to its use. During my travels, finding a power source was never an issue, as the universal USB charger worked with various plugs and power outlets worldwide. This feature alone made it indispensable for maintaining my therapy routine without interruption.

Moreover, the 2-year warranty and 60 days satisfaction guarantee offer peace of mind. Initially skeptical about its efficacy, knowing I could return it if it didn't meet my expectations lowered the barrier to trying it out. Thankfully, it never came to that, but the option removed any sense of risk from the purchase.

However, no product is without its drawbacks. While its portability is one of its strongest features, those requiring longer therapy sessions might find the battery life limiting. Though adequate for my needs, some may need to recharge more frequently than anticipated.

In various scenarios—whether you're someone constantly on the move or simply seeking a convenient at-home solution—this device proves its worth. Its suitability spans a broad range of needs, from those with chronic conditions seeking daily relief to athletes looking for quick recovery solutions post-training.



FDA Approval

Class 2

Light Type

Deep Red (630 + 660 NM), Infrared (850 NM)


Advanced Medical Grade

Suitable for Pets






Deep Healing Therapy


Clinical Approval

Clinically Proven

Cell Regeneration and Inflammation

Activates deep cell regeneration and reduces inflammation


At home for auto-healing

Doctor Recommendation


Power Grade


Based on

NASA studies and clinically-proven wavelengths

Daily Usage Time

5 minutes



Usage Location


Customer Testimonials


Package Includes

Rechargeable batteries, Universal USB charger



Satisfaction Guarantee

60 days

Buying Guide

When considering a deep healing therapy device for home use, the first and foremost thing to look for is FDA certification. This stamp of approval means the device has been rigorously tested and meets strict safety standards. It's a reassurance that the product you're bringing into your home is both safe and effective.

I've found that devices offering a combination of deep red and infrared light provide the most comprehensive treatment. The deep red light works on the surface level, while infrared light penetrates deeper into the tissues. This dual action can significantly enhance the healing process, addressing issues from skin rejuvenation to deep muscle recovery.

Equipped with medical-grade LEDs, these devices are not just ordinary lights; they are specifically designed for therapeutic use. The quality of LEDs directly impacts the effectiveness of the treatment. From my experience, high-quality LEDs mean quicker results and more noticeable improvements in a shorter amount of time.

However, it's essential to manage expectations. While many users report significant benefits from using these devices, results can vary based on individual conditions and consistency of use. Some may see immediate improvements, while others might need longer to notice changes.


Deep healing therapy at home has revolutionized how you approach personal wellness, combining cutting-edge technology with the convenience of at-home use. From its FDA Class 2 certification ensuring safety and efficiency, to the advanced medical-grade LEDs that provide deep red and infrared light therapy, this solution caters not just to your needs but also to your pets'. Its portable design and complete therapy package make it an indispensable tool in your journey towards better health. The effectiveness of this therapy, backed by rigorous safety standards and a comprehensive buying guide, empowers you to make informed decisions for your well-being.

Embrace the path to enhanced health right from the comfort of your home. Dive into the world of deep healing therapy today and discover a potent ally in achieving your wellness goals. Don't wait any longer; start your journey towards a healthier you now.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the NOVAA LIGHT PRO ensure safety during therapy?

The NOVAA LIGHT PRO is FDA Class 2 certified, ensuring it meets strict safety and efficiency standards for home use.

Can I use NOVAA LIGHT PRO for my pets?

Yes, the NOVAA LIGHT PRO is effective on dogs and other pets, promoting deep cell regeneration and reducing inflammation safely.

What makes the LEDs in NOVAA LIGHT PRO advanced?

NOVAA LIGHT PRO uses medical-grade LEDs that offer professional-grade power, based on NASA studies and clinically-proven wavelengths for deep healing.

Is the NOVAA LIGHT PRO portable?

Absolutely, its lightweight design and included rechargeable batteries make it easy to use anywhere, providing flexibility in your therapy routine.

How long should I use NOVAA LIGHT PRO daily?

For optimal results, it's recommended to use the NOVAA LIGHT PRO for just 5 minutes per day. This short duration can yield significant healing benefits.

Does NOVAA LIGHT PRO come with a warranty?

Yes, it comes with a 2-year warranty and a 60-day satisfaction guarantee, ensuring confidence in your purchase and its long-term effectiveness.

Where can I buy the NOVAA LIGHT PRO?

For purchasing information and to ensure you get the authentic product complete with its therapy package, refer directly to the official website or authorized retailers.